Business Intelligence definition (BI) is a very important sistem today. The reason is that this sistem can make it easier for businesses to collect data and also carry out real-time analysis. The results of this analysis can later be used as a consideration for making better business decisions.
Thanks to these extraordinary BI capabilities, many businesses decide to use business intelligence applications. Are you interested too?
To find out more information, let’s studi a complete guide on Business Intelligence, benefits, implementation examples, and recommendations for the best Business Intelligence applications in the following artikel!
Contents show 1 What is Business Intelligence Definition? 1.1 1. Why Do Businesses Need to Build Business Intelligence? 1.2 2. What are the Benefits of Using Business Intelligence? 1.3 1. What are the Roles of Business Intelligence in Business? 2 How Does Business Intelligence Work?
What is Business Intelligence Definition?
Business Intelligence Definition is a sistem used to collect, toko, and analyze data generated by company activities.
The collected data will be displayed in an easy-to-understand, comprehensive and akirate report pola. These reports can be used to measure, analyze, and monitor business operations.

In addition, the insights generated can also be used as material for consideration in making more efekive decisions.
1. Why Do Businesses Need to Build Business Intelligence?
The ability of Business Intelligence to collect and process the information needed by the business is very important. Because, from this information, the business has a real-time and akirate picture of the condition of the company. That way, businesses can easily identify the tingkat of achievement of the company.
Thanks to BI, you can also avoid errors caused by inaccurate data analysis. For example, you are responsible for production schedules for a number of beverage faktories. When sales show strong month-over-month growth in a given region, you can approve additional shifts in near real-time to ensure your faktory can keep up with permintaan.
Likewise, you can quickly setop or kontrol production of the same e.g. when weather conditions start to affect sales. Controlling this production is one example of how business intelligence can increase keuntungans and reduce costs when used properly.
2. What are the Benefits of Using Business Intelligence?
The main keuntungan of companies adopting business intelligence is getting faster and more akirate reporting and analysis with better data quality.
This certainly can encourage increased employee satisfaction, reduced operational costs, and increased revenue, as well as the ability to make better business decisions.
In addition, there are many benefits that companies will get after implementing BI, including:
- Encouraging companies to achieve KPI sasarans by synchronizing all information so the tim can konsentrasi on doing their job.
- Pantauan company performnce and identification of problems becomes easier.
- Provides insight into the company at multiple levels.
- Provide information about problems or constraints that occur within the company.
- Digging deeper into available data sources and utilizing these data to improve the quality of company performnce decision making.
What are the Roles of Business Intelligence in Business?
The main role of Business Intelligence is to gather information from various sources, and present it in an easy-to-understand report pola. In addition, there are still BI roles or tasks that are important for businesses to know, including:
- Make data analysis
This sistem will generate reports automatically that make it easier for you to analyze business data. Analysis like this is needed to improve company development based on akirate data.
- Manage Data
The task of business intelligence does not only setop at collecting various business data or information from various sources. Bi is also responsible for storing konsumen data in a safe place and can only be accessed by parties with an interest in your company.
- Evaluate business performnce on a reguler pangkalan
The results of the reports presented by BI can be used by businesses to conduct a thorough evaluation. From this evaluation, it is expected to produce the latest business trends that can be used to increase keuntungans for the company.
How Does Business Intelligence Work?
Business intelligence applications work by relying on existing data and information in business databases. Generally, this data is obtained from a CRM sistem that works by recording, storing, and managing konsumen and business-related information in a centralized database
The database also combines all the information and data obtained from various different sources into one centralized sistem.
Then, BI applications will process this information and present the results to users in the form of reports, charts or maps that have been analyzed in real time and adapted to business needs.
Business Intelligence Career Path is the career path of this profession is fairly good, there are several positions that can be occupied, if later you already have pengalaman.
But usually, to be promoted from this position, a minimal of 3 years pengalaman is required. The first possible position in the field of business intelligence is the business intelligence manajer. If you are already in this position, you will lead a business proyek.
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This proyek certainly relies on business data, and you will be the individu responsible for it. Such pengalaman will also enable one to become a master data serviss. Wrestling every day with data certainly has an understanding of the tendencies of a data.
Lastly, is the administrator. This profession puts forward what the konsumen wants, what kompetitors are doing, then economic conditions through the data they have.